Herbal Facial Mask

Herbal Facial Mask

  • $3.00
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Mix with raw honey, plain yogurt, or water and apply to face avoiding eyes. Leave on 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. 

High in vitamin C and made with herbs to naturally brighten and revitalize tired skin. Gentle enough for all skin types.
Ingredients: arrowroot powder, bentonite clay, rose petals, calendula petals, rose hips, orange peel
Ingredients: bentonite clay, arrowroot powder, cornstarch, rice flour, spirulina, rose petals, calendula, matcha, peppermint leaf, rose geranium essential oil
Ingredients: arrowroot powder, bentonite clay, plantago, calendula, peppermint, activated charcoal
Ingredients: bentonite clay, arrowroot powder, cornstarch, green tea (gunpowder and matcha), lemongrass, jasmine, plantago, comfrey, lemongrass essential oil



As with all Make Mine Homemade products, this has no artificial yucky chemicals. No parabens, no sulfates, no propa-glyca-whatevers. Just pure natural goodness.

Although used for centuries, natural and herbal products are not regulated by the FDA and we do not intend to treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. With all cosmetic items, if sensitivity occurs, you should discontinue use. Do not use on large open wounds or internally. Please consult your trusted physician before beginning or changing and course of medical treatment.

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